Welcome to Mistworlds.com!
Here you will find books, adventure modules, maps, music and art all set in the “Mistworlds” fantasy setting. There is a little something for everyone here; whether you are a casual fan who simply enjoys the Mistworlds novels or a die hard DM using the setting for you gaming group. The digital material available for download is “priced” at whatever you feel is fair or can afford. The physical books, maps, posters and other items are priced as low as possible but it’s impossible for us to compete with massive corporations who have the ability to create books with very low cost due to high volume. We’ll always endeavor to create products you will be proud to own! The first books that are scheduled for release are the “Mistworlds Campaign Setting Guidebook” for D&D 4e and the “Mistworlds Players Guide” for D&D 4e. Both products are in the art and layout phase and will most likely be released in 2nd quarter 2014.
Two separate music albums have already been released; Journey Into The Sacred Places and Journey Into The Dark Places
The website is still somewhat clumsy as I am concentrating my efforts to finish the Mistworlds Campaign Setting book as fast as possible. I promise that once the book goes to print I will spend some serious time and effort into getting the site finalized and easier to navigate. For now this is going to have to be sufficient. I will post updates as the product develops and am excited to share the progress. It really feels good to finally be getting this massive undertaking heading towards the finish line!
-Aubrey Hodges